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GeoForensic Expert

For over 50 years, I have worked on a variety of projects in the United States and abroad encompassing both design and construction. I have a variety of experience in such areas as pavement design, shallow and deep foundations for tall buildings, deep water bulkheads, vibratory foundations, pile and drilled shafts for public works projects, geosynthetic design/installation, rock blasting consultation and vibration monitoring, forensic geo-technical engineering, building and site damage assessment, sinkhole detection and remediation, as well as airport and roadway pavement evaluations


I have authored, co-authored, published, and presented over 90 technical papers at local, national, and international conferences, and have served on a variety of ASCE, NAFE technical committees. I have also provided expert witness services during depositions, mediations, court testimony, and jury trials on many projects. I have also served as an evaluator and peer reviewer of technical expert’s reports.

My experience in Florida has spanned over forty years mostly in central, west-central, and southwest Florida, and have included development, supervision, engineering analyses, laboratory data interpretation, and report preparation for a variety of geotechnical engineering structures. Engineering analyses include slope stability for earth dams, anchored bulkheads for pump stations, pile foundations for mid-rise (4 to 22 stories) buildings, foundation design for wastewater treatment plants educational facilities, public works projects, hospitals, and power plants. I have also provided direction and consultation on projects where ground remediation, geosynthetics design and installation monitoring, and soil and site improvement techniques have been utilized. These measures have included grouting, wick drains, vibrocompaction, vibroreplacement geosynthetics, geotechnical instrumentation for embankments, and dynamic load testing of pile foundations.

Specialties: I have provided special inspection services for threshold buildings since 1984. I have provided extensive consultation on rock blasting, vibration monitoring, and damage prevention to structures in urban areas. I have performed many sinkhole damage investigations, sinkhole remediation design and monitoring.

D.S. "Sax" Saxena, P.E., SI, NE, DFE, DGE, M CFLC


Professional Registrations












Honors & Distinctions

Professional Engineer

  • Florida #19387

  • Georgia #12838

  • Tennessee #8039

  • Maryland #12225


Threshold Special Inspector:

  • Florida #1016

  • Am. Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

  • Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS)

  • Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)

  • Florida Engineering Society (FES)

  • Geo-Institute of ASCE

  • Int’l Geosynthetics Society (IGS)

  • Int’l Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical

         Engineering (ISSMGE)

  • Natl Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE)

  • Natl Society of Prof Engineers (NSPE)

  • North American Geosynthetics Soc. (NAGS)

  • Forensic Expert Witness Association

  • 6/20 to present    Forensic/Geo-Forensic

                                              Engineering Consultant

                                              Land-o-Lakes, Florida


  • 10/14 to 5/20          Biller Reinhart Engineering Group

                                                (Tampa, Florida)

                                               Director of Forensic/

                                               Geo-Forensic Engineering


  • 7/10 – 10/14               KCI Technologies

                                                (Lakeland, Florida)

                                                Corporate Practice Leader


  • 1984 - 6/10                ASC geosciences

                                                (Lakeland, Florida)



  • 1981 - 1983                 A T & E Consultants

                                                (Tampa, Florida)

                                                Vice President and General

                                                Manager of Florida Ops


  • 1973 - 1980                Harlan Engineering

                                                 (Lakeland, Florida)

                                                 -  Vice President/Geo-tech.

                                                     Division Head (1973-1978)

                                                 -  President and Principal

                                                     Engineer (1978-1980)


  • 1970 - 1973                Woodward-Clyde

                                                (Houston, Texas)

                                                Senior Soils Engineer


  • 1969 - 1970                International Minerals and

                                                Chemical Corporation

                                                (Bartow, Florida)

                                                Senior Soils Engineer


  • 1967 - 1969                Dames & Moore

                                                (Toronto, Canada)

                                               Soils Engineer


  • 1962 - 1966               Heavy Engineering Corp.

                                               (Ranchi, India)

                                               Design Civil Engineer

  • Fellow, and Board Certified Diplomate in Forensic Engineering by NAFE


  • Board Certified Diplomate Geotechnical Engineer

         by AGP


  • Engineer of the Year, American Society of Civil Engineers, Ridge Branch, Florida Section, 2001


  • Fellow and Life Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999


  • Outstanding Service to the Engineering Profession, Florida Engineering Society, Ridge Chapter and State of Florida, 1994


  • Fellow, Florida Engineering Society, Ridge Chapter and State of Florida, 1993


  • Engineer of the Year, Florida Engineering Society, Ridge Chapter, 1983


  • Young Engineer of the Year, American Society of Civil Engineers, Ridge Branch, 1976


  • Young Engineer of the Year, Florida Engineering Society, Ridge Chapter, 1975


  • Young Engineer of the Year, Texas Society of Professional Engineers, Houston Chapter, 1972


  • Certificate of Continued Professional Development, Florida Engineering Society, current


©2020 by D.S. "Sax" Saxena, PE

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