your GeoForensic and Geotechnical Expert, M Eng., PE, SI, D FE, D GE, M CFLC
Welcome to our GeoForensicExpert.com where we are Engineering A Better WorldSM. It’s what we do.
Our services,
Forensic engineering
Geo-Forensic engineering, and
Geotechnical engineering,
We offer investigative services for soil structure interaction related failures of engineering facilities or structures, including construction defects, materials evaluation, vibration monitoring and isolated damage to structures including pavement and foundations. We also provide expert witness testimony in depositions and court appearances.
These services are provided by or under the direction of
D. S. “Sax” Saxena PE Sax who has over 50 years of hands on experience with projects throughout North America, is a leader within the Academy of Forensic Engineers, Geo Professionals (AGP) and is a registered professional engineer in four (4) states.
Our expertise has benefited professionals, home owners, developers, engineers, insurance companies, architects, contractors and governmental agencies.
D.S. "Sax" Saxena

Vibration Damage Investigation
Construction Vibration Testing and Monitoring
Construction Defects, Claims, Disputes
Building Damage Assessment and Site Claims
Peer Review, Value Engineering, Consultation
Expert Witness Testimony and Litigation Support
Certified Neutral Evaluator for ADR Process
Sinkhole Damage and Assessment
Specification Compliance Failure
Materials Evaluation and Condition Assessment
Forensic Geophysical Survey
Vibrations from Blasting and Pile Driving
Floor Elevation Survey and Settlement Monitoring
Foundation and/or Soil Failure
Compaction and Settlement Failure
Slope Stability and Failure
Retaining Wall and /or Excavation Failure
Pre- and Post- Condition Survey of Nearby Structures
Geosynthetics Design and Geomembranes
Rigid and Flexible Pavement Failure
Floor Damage Assessment
Field Exploration , Testing and Evaluation
In-Situ Piezocone Testing and Evaluation
Soil and Site Improvement
Ground Improvement Methods
Pre- and Post-Densification Testing
Shallow and Deep Foundation Design
Static Load Testing and Instrumented Pile Load Test
Pile Integrity Testing (PIT,PET) and Evaluation
Geophysical Survey and Evaluation
Helical Pile Design and Installation Monitoring
About Me
For over 50 years, I have worked on a variety of projects in the United States and abroad encompassing both design and construction. I have a variety of experience in such areas as pavement design, shallow and deep foundations for buildings, deep water bulkheads, vibratory foundations, pile and drilled shafts for public works projects, geosynthetic design/installation, rock blasting consultation, vibration monitoring from pile driving and construction operations, forensic geotechnical engineering, building and site damage assessment, sinkhole detection and remediation, as well as airport and roadway pavement evaluations.

Finding solutions to serve our client’s best interests
Cannot, must not, and will not settle for old solutions to new problems
Find the right answer, Find it the first time, & Find it in time.
Complete this form and contact me about your next specialty project needs
Contact Me Any Time
D.S. "Sax" Saxena, PE, D FE, D GE
Diplomate Forensic Engineer
Diplomate Geotechnical Engineer
Tel: 813.738.1634 (o)
813.738.1634 (c)
813.345.8007 (f)
4797 Maritime Waters Court
Land O Lakes, Florida 34638